Until next year…

So, this is good bye for this year’s blogathon. All together, a lot of money was raised, new friends were made, and everyone got to have fun at the expense of sleep. I want to send a thank you to the sponsors who supported me, my wife for tollorating this, the other bloggers who came by, and the staff who put all this together. I’ll be back next year, that’s for sure. Once again, thanks to ALL of ‘Team Shabbat’. Thanks to our success, FryKitty has announced that Shabbat schedule WILL be official from now on. Next year I’ll likely help us Shabbat bloggers have our own chat area or something, so from start to finish we can all work as one team for our goal. Don’t forget to sponsor me! You can still do it for the next day or two, in case you were late! See you next week for a regular article, and see you bloggers NEXT year for the Second Annual Trayfe-to-Kosher Challenge! Shalom and Good Cooking!

July 30, 2006. Blogathon 2006, Personal.


  1. Bill Hooker replied:

    Congratulations! Sleep the sleep of the just, you have done a Good Thing.

  2. Bug replied:

    Congrats hun! Excellent job and now get some sleep! *big hugs*

  3. Missy replied:

    Dude, you made it! Kickass!

  4. cultivate-peace replied:

    Go to bed, you sound sleepy!

  5. Rue replied:


  6. Beverly replied:

    Congratulations – from a fellow blogathon participant. (Though I’m afraid I’d crawled into bed while the Shabbat schedule was running. ;-))

  7. LaDonna replied:

    Hope you made it through work today! Just wanted to thank you again for all of your efforts during the ‘thon and am looking forward to trying some of your recipes.

    I’ve added you to my link list to keep tabs on you. Hope you and your wife find a great school for you to attend so that you do end up on the Food Network and I can tell all of my friends that I participated in a Blogathon with you way back when!

  8. Holly replied:

    Good luck on the awards competition. We’re rooting for you!

  9. Marci replied:

    Just wanted to let you know that I paid off my pledge today (which is as close to food as I’m going get, heh heh heh), but also because I forgot to do it earlier in the week, and because Tisha B’av strikes me as a good day to do tzedakah in general.

    In that spirit, I added double chai to my original pledge.

    Also, I had a tzedakah dollar that my friends gave me when I left their daughter’s Bat Mitzvah in Baltimore to return to Boston. So I added that too. (I told them I would, since I already knew I was giving money to the Aleph Institute and it’s a cause that they believe in, so I don’t think I’m in trouble for not immediately depositing said dollar in nearest pushka. Of course now, I no longer have the protection of the dollar, but given that by the end of the day, I probably won’t need it to protect me, I’m hoping it’s a wash.)

    Sorry for the rambling.

    Easy fast.

  10. Suicidal Mickey Mouse replied:

    (cheers wildly)
    Even though I’m a few days late, I’m still cheering for you.
    Here’s to good sleep-deprived cooking! …that’s also kosher.

    How exactly do you make kosher sausage, man?

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